Faustin Linyekula
(photo: Agathe Poupeney)
Dancer, choreographer and self-described storyteller Faustin Linyekula, founded Studios Kabako in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo), in 2001. “A workplace, whereone is constantly on a personal quest and where sometimes one finds. It is a place of much questioning, but where on some evenings, certainty becomes obvious …”
Since 2007, Studios Kabako refocused its activities in Kisangani, the country’s third largest city located in the northeast of the country, fostering young Congolese artists and opening up to other artistic genres: video, cinema, and also music. Linyekula looks to subvert the dominant tropes of representation, replacing them with ideas of innovation, community, resourcefulness and hope. Linyekula, speaks of architect Bärbel Müller’s use of architecture as acupuncture, and seeks to mirror that idea within his artistic and cultural practice.
Faustin Linyekula is a Re-PLACE-ing Philadelphia Artist/Thinker.